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Episodes & Show Notes
10 End of School Year Survival Strategies for teachers
It can be such a challenge to make it through those last few weeks of the school year as a teacher. We both know that as teachers ourselves, we always find that we are quite tired and run down by this point! That’s why we wanted to share our favourite…
Project-Based Learning & Identity Texts: Uniting Communities through Stories – E123
[podcast_subscribe id=”7428″] In this episode, we are sharing an update on Katie’s project with Living Hyphen; the book has been printed and officially launched, so Katie will share some further details about the project. If you like what you hear, we would love it if you could share this episode…
Rethinking Your Grading Scale
Are you wondering why you might not want to use the 100 point grading scale, and what you might want to do instead? There are many reasons why it’s not the best scale to use, and, in this article, we will show you how you can flip that around to…
Supporting Different Types of Learners – E121
[podcast_subscribe id=”7428″] In this episode, we are talking about the different types of learners, and how we can support our learners in the classroom. We are going to talk about the difference between cognitive ability and cognitive styles, as well as intelligence, and how all of our students can build…
Multiple Modalities to Boost Student Perception – E120
[podcast_subscribe id=”7428″] In this episode, we are revisiting the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, and beginning to explore the pillar of representation. We will talk about perception, and how to offer different modalities for students to help support their learning. If you like what you hear, we would love…
Identity Texts & Project-Based Learning – E119
[podcast_subscribe id=”7428″] In this episode, Katie is going to share some work that she has been doing with an organization called The Living Hyphen. She will share who they are and how she’s incorporating this organization into ESL classrooms. If you like what you hear, we would love it if…